Phyllis Mayo
Special Projects Manager
As Special Projects Manager, Phyllis delivers project management, strategic planning, budget development and implementation support for The Estopinal Group’s key initiatives and major contracts. She has also served as: Special Assistant to Governor Kathleen Blanco directing the Office of Women’s Policy and managing special initiatives (2004-08); and, Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Louisiana’s Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism directing the Atchafalaya Heritage Area and developing international arts and cultural exchanges (2002-04). For nearly ten years, she worked for a Louisiana investor-owned utility, first in corporate communications, then as Manager of New Business and Product Development. Phyllis received her undergraduate degree from Louisiana State University and Master of Science in Urban Studies / Management from the University of New Orleans.
Phyllis was the first woman elected to the Alexandria City Council (1988-1992), and in 2009, was inducted into the Louisiana Center for Women and Government’s Hall of Fame.