Call Us: (504) 269-9233


Strategy, the backing of powerful opinion leaders or the conviction that truth is on your side may not be enough to realize your organization’s goals. Through our communication processes, The Estopinal Group is the independent voice that will guide and position your organization using strategy, public opinion and facts. Proactively and responsibly we will message and brand your organization.

Recognizing that today’s media landscape can engulf an organization’s image, The Estopinal Group integrally weaves its communications strategies. Our team will ensure that your brand and message flow consistently and effectively through every important communications medium.

In addition to providing top-notch communications strategies, The Estopinal Group brings years of government and political experience to our clients.

At the local, state and federal level, we have successfully managed issues ranging from flood risk management and transportation to public safety and energy efficiency. Whether our goal is to build public support for an issue or to position with key decision makers, we can help you design and execute an effective campaign.

In today’s world, corporations and businesses must communicate with internal and external audiences. Our aim is to create, improve or re-establish your company’s reputation among its diverse stakeholders. The Estopinal Group uses strategies to communicate information and decisions externally to opinion leaders, the media and the community and internally to employees, investors and suppliers through the use of social and online media, annual reports, newsletters and strategic communications plans.

At The Estopinal Group, we specialize in public relations for people who make a difference. From providing insight and practical advice on how to develop and manage your message, to using media attention to maximize mission awareness and enhance fundraising efforts, we offer comprehensive and affordable service.

The Estopinal Group works with key state, regional and national leaders from within the tourism and hospitality industry to produce highly credible coverage that bolsters brands far beyond what can be accomplished with paid advertising. Our efforts repeatedly put Louisiana and New Orleans travel and tourism information into the hands of potential partners and travelers via print, radio, television and the Internet.